Front Line Research
We are involved in both the 'soft' and 'hard' sides of research to promote the peaceful usage of nuclear power and radiation.
We continue our research with the goal of further evolution in "particle radiotherapy," an effective means for cancer treatment.
Mainstream cancer treatments in hospitals today use x-rays, but cancer treatment utilizing high-energy particle beams generated from accelerators might predominate in the future. This form of treatment has lesser side effects than x-ray therapy and anticancer drug treatment; because of this advantage, this technology is attracting attention in the medical community.
From approximately five years ago, Professor Terakawa and his co-workers have pursued the development of basic research and machinery at the animal testing stage for a new particle therapy that cannot be tested on humans yet, as well as combining treatment methods together.
PIXE analysis to secure the safety of life
We are studying on identification of toxic elements and allergens contained in foods and clothes under the collaboration with Ion Accelerator Co., Ltd. located at Hakodate.