Message from a senior colleague
When I was an undergraduate student, I had a chance to attend Professor Niibori's lecture and I was so interested in the broad standpoint with which he explained these energy issues that it encouraged me to study under him. In his laboratory, there are many students with a keen desire to contribute to the settling of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. I think we have the responsibility as researchers to provide the correct information on the issues of nuclear power for the public and at the very least we have to share the information on the problems we face. Because of the fact that I am majoring in quantum science and energy engineering, my friends and acquaintances often ask me, "Are you sure nuclear energy is safe?" I always try to answer their questions carefully, making efforts to be creative in order to explain in a way that is easy for them to understand without compromising the accuracy of the information. Niibori Laboratory affords us many opportunities to present the results of our research at both domestic and international academic conferences. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out to be evaluated and I sometimes get disappointed by harsh criticism, but it also serves as motivators to push my research forward.

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