Accelerator Radiation Engineering (Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center)
Nuclear Radiation Physics and Engineering

We can peer into extremely microscopic worlds utilizing the "eyes" of a particle beam and radiations.

  • Nuclear Geotechnical Engineering

This technology has an infinite range of applications and possibilities.

This laboratory conducts research into the basic studies of unraveling and controlling quantum-level phenomena such as interactions between particle beams and materials, photon generation and positron annihilation. Moreover, we also conduct research into their applications in various fields including medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, agriculture, biology, environmental science, archeology and home economics, in addition to developing applied technologies that are useful and beneficial in the real world.

Our main research subjects are the development of positron emission tomography (PET), that is, a functional diagnostic imaging scanner that can obtain images of microscopic cancer cells after the injection of a special medical agent that contains short-lived radioisotopes into the body, the research and development in particle-induced x-ray emission (PIXE), that is, a technology that allows the visualization of a material's elemental distribution at a resolution on a micron level by exposing the material to a micro beam, the development of micron-CT based on micro-PIXE which can provide CT-images of cells, the research on particle beam therapy, that is, an efficient form of cancer treatment that has lesser side-effects than radiation therapy and cancer drugs, and the education for the next generation of human resources who will inherit and develop the advanced quantum engineering technologies that we are studying.

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